


Méndez-Lazaro, P. A., Chardón-Maldonado, P., Carrubba, L., Álvarez-Berríos, N., Barreto, M., Bowden, J. H., Crespo-Acevedo, W. I., Diaz, E. L., Gardner, L. S., Gonzalez, G., Guannel, G., Guido, Z., Harmsen, E. W., Leinberger, A. J., McGinley, K., Ortiz, A. P., Pulwarty, R. S., Ragster, L. E., Rivera-Collazo, I. C., … Vila-Biaggi, I. M. (2023). Fifth National Climate Assessment (Ch.23) U.S. Caribbean. Global Change Research Program.

Finan, T., Mehrul, I., Guido, Z., Seema, F., Hasan, N., Akter, S., Ghosh, B., Soren, J., & Shovo, F. A. (2023). Gender, Power, and Resilience in the Char and Haor Regions of Bangladesh: Evidence-based Learning for Resilience Programming. In Report to the United States Agency for International Development Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (USAID BHA). Report funded through the USAID Implementer-Led Design, Evidence, Analysis and Learning (IDEAL) Activity.


Guido, Z., Méndez-Lazaro, P. A., Cabrera Rivera, L. T., Clark, S., & McMahan, B. (2022). Knowledge and Action gaps at the Intersection of Climate Hazards, Public Health, and Energy Resilience in Puerto Rico. A Report to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for the Competition for collaborative planning activities in the Southeast and the U.S. Caribbean (CPO, RISA Program FY2021: NOAA-OAR-CPO-2021-2006677).