Careers in Resilience and International Development

Note: The event times listed below are in MST (UTC-7).

Hosted by AIRES International Programs under the University of Arizona Initiative for Resilience and International Development (AIRID). In collaboration with the School of Geography, Development, and Environment Master’s in Development Practice Program.


10 – 11 a.m., Oct. 14, 2022

Date & Time: Friday, October 14, 10-11am MST |  1-2pm EST

Format: Virtual Only

Description: Development professionals tackle the most challenging and important topics of the day, such as poverty, food security, and climate change adaptation. Three panelists will share their diverse experiences and discuss career opportunities and the skills that development organizations covet. The panel will be moderated with ~15 minutes for audience questions.


  • Vidhya SriramGlobal Director, Village Savings and Loans Associations, CARE USA. Vidhya specializes in designing and implementing programs focused on targeting the specific needs, constraints and capabilities of women and girls and marginalized populations in CARE’s programming. Vidhya has worked with over 30 CARE country offices.

  • Dr. Ahmed Kablan, Senior Science Advisor at USAID / the Bureau for Resilience and Food Security/Center for Nutrition/Food Safety Division. Ahmed leads the center for nutrition efforts on climate change and food systems and is a member of USAID’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility council.

  • Brad SagaraDirector, Research & Learning – Resilience, Mercy CorpsBrad has more than 15 years of experience in quantitative research focusing on resilience, food security, and livelihoods throughout Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and Southeast Asia. Brad’s leadership help generates evidence that responds to program and policy questions on such as evaluating the effectiveness of resilience building investments, social and market systems dynamics in humanitarian and development response, resilience in fragile and conflict affected contexts, and return on investment of resilience building efforts.

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